Wednesday, August 22, 2012

New Business Is Like Fishing

So you go out and buy all the gear. Then you get the perfect bait and find the perfect fishing hole. You are so excited as you have done everything right. The first hour is exciting as you use your new pole, change bait several times and just enjoying the day. Now the next hour you begin to wonder if you picked the right fishing spot. Sooner than you think the day is over and you caught no fish! On your way home you are considering giving up on the sport altogether. You are a failure and now people will just laugh at you. The family was looking forward to a fish dinner and you couldn't deliver! Well if you ask a long time fisherman he will tell you to have patience. You don't catch a fish every time and there is joy in the hunt not just the catch. A new business is just the same. You might have all the gear and knowledge but that is not a given for success! People are hard to catch in this crazy world. So what do you do? After all you have bills to pay and a family to feed. Well have patience! be persistant, don't give up so easily! Focus on delivering your best work, treat each customer as if they were your only customer. Be friendly and be willing to listen to people and their problems. Everyone wants to be heard so take the time to listen to your customers even if it sounds crazy to you! How do I feed my family shooting stock? I just keep shooting, I try to find ways to benefit others not just myself. I keep my quality high and aim higher everyday. No matter what business you are in these rules apply! Don't be so hard on yourself and remember why you wanted to start this business in the first place. Now get out there and catch some fish!

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