Monday, May 21, 2012

Finding Models

     If you want to do photography for a living, there is a good chance you will need to get comfortable taking pictures of people. From weddings to babies and everything in between that is where the majority of the market is. So how do you get comfortable directing and photographing people? Simple you start with family. This picture is of my little boy who is a very challenging model because a 3 year old just can't sit still that well! I did a photo session with him and the practice was well worth the time. Don't be afraid to ask family to pose for you! People will usually be willing to help you out if they can. After the family seems to wear out try your friends! they will be happy to help you as well.
     Another way is to look for ways to use your photography to help others. You might know of someone who is getting married and has no money for any photography. Theses situations are priceless as they allow you to help someone and gain a lot of experience. Don't charge money and tell them you would just like to get a few shots. Then do the best work you can, like you were being paid six figures to shoot this wedding and over deliver to them. This is how you will build a name for yourself. This method applies to all kinds of events and people will be surprised and happy then you give them memories of a life-time. This will not hurt your business! When you do decided you are comfortable enough to charge then there is a good chance you will already have a base to start with!
     For stock video or photography you will need a model release for any people in your shot. Being up front and honest about the use is very important! I tell people the photo can be used for just about anything and here are the restrictions on the release. If they still don't want to sign after you have explained it to them then move on! Do not pressure people to sign a model release ever! Having your picture on Facebook is more dangerous than a stock site! Stock sites have to play by certain rules that Facebook dose not. I am not saying Facebook is bad for pictures but people need to be educated on digital images online. I often find models for stock from Model Mayhem there are other sites like this as well. I have used college students and retired people and the list goes on. The key to success is how you approach a person. Like I said before people will usually want to help you out so if you approach them like "I need a modle for my stock video and I think you would be great! would you be willing to help me out?" They will usually say yes and have some questions, answer them honestly and you usually have a model to work with!
 Now get out there and start practicing and giving value to people with your skill! It's fun!

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