Thursday, May 10, 2012

Passive Income?

Is shooting stock photography and video really passive income? This is a trick question as there is really no such thing as passive income, unless you win the lottery. Most people make the mistake of uploading a few pictures and expecting a check in the mail. Shooting stock video or photography is just plain work, the way to succeed is to have a passion for imagery instead of a desire to have more money. If you treat your work as a business and keep your passion alive then you can earn a decent income. You need good people skills, knowledge and skill with your camera, locations to shoot, good keywording skills, good post production skills, money to pay some models and you just might need an assistant. You need a good eye to capture images that will sell. Lighting oh what can I say about lighting! If you don't understand it at all then well lets just say its tough. Do you enjoy sitting at your computer for long hours as much as you do snapping the shutter? There are lots of times you have long hours in front of the computer to prep your images and then get them online. Ahh your not done because it might get rejected and you have to start all over! I am not saying all of this to discourage anyone but you need to know it's far from passive. So what are the benefits? First, like I said, if you have a passion is doesn't feel like work! The passive part comes in say for sick time and vacation time. You are still earning income while on vacation, this alone is one of the best benefits of the job. Of course I always have a camera in my hand on vacation until my wife threatens me. Sick days are nice because you don't have to worry about losing vacation days because of your sick days! I'm not going to go into the benefits of working for yourself here, so always keep in mind any job takes work and the same goes for shooting stock!

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